SPEBSQSA International Convention
July 2-7, 2002 * Portland, Oregon

Shortcuts to Harmonetters

I took over 1000 pictures with my digital camera at the International Convention of SPEBSQSA in Portland in July 2002. You can see the complete set here:


However, here are some shortcuts specifically for those of you who have been on the Harmonet for a while, and want to see what your co-netters look like:

The Harmonet Gathering:

Miscellaneous candid shots:

Note that I did not make any attempt to point out Harmonetters in competing quartets and choruses. That would be too much work! Plus, if you know the group someone is in, you can look up photos of that group to see his picture.

But I wanted to give you links to at least the candid closesups that I have, so you can put a face to a name.

- Tom Arneberg

This page is maintained by Tom Arneberg (toma@arneberg.com)
(Last modified: $Date: 2002/07/22 21:59:30 $)