MHBQA: Current Member VLQ

(Very Large Quartet)

(Last modified: $Date: 2008-06-06 15:19:57-05 $)

COBBLE CREEK SINGERS (7 members)        location: Colorado
    tenor: Charmaine Estes, K.C. Pfafman --unaffiliated
    lead: Larry Estes (fjormer SPEBS), Chuck Llewellyn --unaffiliated
    bari: Mike Bertram, Marietta Webbe (unaffiliated)
    bass: Jay Schmidt (unaffiliated)
        contact: Larry Estes    []
            478 Cobble Drive, Montrose CO 81401

CUMCWHATS (6 members)           location: Baltimore, Maryland
    tenor: Debbie Henkel, Glenda Henkel -- unaffiliated
    lead: Judy Loar, Jan Strevig        -- unaffiliated
    bari: Clinton Scott                 -- unaffiliated
    bass: Dick Henkel                   -- SPEBS Heart of Maryland Chorus (bass)
        contact: Jan Strevig     []
            2920 A North Rolling Road, Baltimore MD 21244 

VOCALOCITY (8 members)     location: Wichita, Kansas
    tenors: Patti Plenert, Melodee Wright (both SAI)
    leads: Eric Traylor (SPEBS), Pam Williams (SAI)
    baris: Vicki Means (SAI), Greg Yarnell (SPEBS)
    basses: David Burks, Troy DeWald (both unaffiliated)
      SPEBS Air Capital Chorus, SAI Wichita Chorus, or SAI Chapter at Large
        contact: Melodee Wright         []
          14105 Lakeview Ct., Wichita Kansas 67230-9543

NOTE: New Zealand's VLQ, ACCORD, has dropped membership in MHBQA because
        they are no longer doing much barbershop; the VLQ membership has
        become more heavily female-voiced, so they are doing SATB.
      England's VLQ, NEWCASTLE MIXED COMPANY, has disbanded as the men
        are now part of a newly forming men's barbershop chorus and do
        not have time for both groups.
      Minnesota's VLQ, FRIENDS, has not renewed their MHBQA membership,
        for reasons unknown.

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This page is maintained by Tom Arneberg (
(Last modified: $Date: 2008-06-06 15:19:57-05 $)
For more info about MHBQA, email Kim Orloff at